O'Hara for Kansas Governor

Charlotte O’Hara

A proven fighter for Kansas

"It is time to have a true, proven conservative at the helm of our Republican super-majority.”

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Charlotte O’Hara For Governor

2026 Kansas Gubernatorial Primary Election



Why am I running for Governor?

1. Make Kansas a place to come home to, not a place to run from.

2. Rein in spending…DOGE must come to Kansas! The era of fraud, waste and bloated bureaucracy is over!

3. Stop tax incentives, these subsidies increase YOUR property taxes!

4. Demand Transparency, no more censorship! The voice of the people must be heard. 

5. Direct partisan election of judges. The Kansas Bar Association’s stranglehold on our judicial selection process must end. 

6. Freedom to learn in our public schools. DEI out, WOKE out, CRT out, replaced with reading, writing, and actual history and science. 

4. Protect our environment and quality life from the ravages of industrial wind and solar facilities, lithium-ion battery manufacturing plants, battery energy storage facilities, massive transmission lines, and eminent domain taking your land from you.

Support Charlotte for Governor

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To Mail In A Check:

15712 Windsor Street, Overland Park, KS 66224

My unique skill set:

1. Former general contractor and developer.  I know the inside scoop, these incentives DO NOT WORK as proven by 2 Kansas Legislative Post Audit reports, one which was released earlier this year.

2. Small business owner: My son and I own a small manufacturing company in Olathe, I have first-hand experience in the devastation that the COVID shutdown wreaked upon small businesses.  Only by the Grace of God did we manage to make it through protecting our investment and our employees’ livelihood.

3. Served in the Kansas House of Representatives: 27th District from 2011-2012

4. District 3 Johnson County, KS Commissioner: Served 2021 -2025

5. Mother: I have 5 children; my youngest daughter came to my home when she was 10.  Homelessness, I have seen.   I know the value of a strong family.

6. Grandmother: I have 7 grandchildren, they are the future, but we are destroying the opportunities that were available to my generation with the ever-rising costs of government.

“My faith is the cornerstone of my life.  I truly understand the truth of one nation under God.  Strong families and strong faith communities are the building blocks for a strong and safe Kansas.”

As Governor of Kansas, I will bring a common-sense voice forward for the fine people of Kansas.  It’s time to remove the ridiculousness and destructive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (which I call Division, Exclusion and Inequality) madness from the public square and replace it with true equality, equal opportunity for all.

Charlotte O'Hara Johnson County, KS District 3 County Commissioner - Family Values
Charlotte O'Hara Johnson County, KS District 3 County Commissioner - Family Values

Get Involved

Support Charlotte

Kansas Common Sense!

I am honored to be running for Governor of our great state of Kansas.  I am committed to serving my fellow Kansans with integrity, dedication, passion and faith.  I will always consistently advocat for the interests of “We The People.”

I look forward to visiting with you on the campaign trail!

God bless you all.

To Mail In A Check:

15712 Windsor Street, Overland Park, KS 66224

Wait! Before You Go...

I need your help to:

Rein in Spending
Stop Tax Subsidies
Demand Transparency
Direct Partisan Election of Judges
Freedoom to Learn in Our Public Schools
Protect Our Environment & Quality of LIfe
and more...

Will you consider making a contribution today, if you haven't already?